Monday, June 27, 2011

dear Leyton

to my little man,

I've been having one of those moments lately where I just want to freeze every second and remember it all. You are at such a fun stage these days, I just wish I could stop time and stay here for a little while.  It's all so fun, but these are a couple highlights these days that I never want to forget.

The other day, you went down for a nap when the tornado alarm went off outside your window.  It was so loud, so I went to check on you.  Oh little buddy, you were scared!  As soon as I picked you up, you gave me the biggest bear hug I've ever gotten.. wrapped your legs and arms around me and didn't let go for a while.  I loved every second of it!

Yesterday, you were hanging out with daddy and I around the house (well, grandpa & grandma's house).  You sat on your dad's lap at the piano and it was hilarious!  you banged on the keys, and "sang!"  We left you like that for a bit, because you just seemed to be in your own little world.  You would play some of the keys, stop, sing for a bit.   I know it's just a little moment, but we loved it.  And maybe you've got some musical skills in you!  if you're anything like your dad... :)

Last night, we went on a bike ride and to a park close by.  You were so intrigued by a couple boys that were playing catch.   You went over the play with them and kept chasing the ball.   They were so nice to play with you and would hand you the ball but you'd just run with it!  One of the little girls said, "maybe he'll be a football player!"  You had so much fun and didn't want to stop.  Before we left, they gave you the ball to keep.   This was one of those times when I have to pinch myself and remember that you're only one!  

I really want to remember this stage when you yap and yap all the time!  You're not really saying anything, although a couple words come out every once in a while.  But you sure think you're saying stuff!  You have so many expressions and just move that mouth all the time.  I had a feeling you'd be a little social guy.. if you're anything like your mom & dad :)

We love you little buddy and wouldn't change a thing about you!

love, your mom.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing.

    Please print this out and save it so he can read it someday. I know he would treasure it.

    You're a fabulous mom Kristen. Love you!
