Thursday, September 9, 2010

trouble ahead.

Bit of rough day yesterday. By the time Luke got home, I passed the little man over and plopped on the couch only with enough energy to eat a hot dog. (Luke's cooking skills) This is the problem. Now that Mr. Leyton can pull himself up in his crib, why would he ever want to sleep? Naps are tough for this crazy boy!

Side note: Today was shot day. As I've expressed before, I don't mind shot day. I DON'T like watching him wail and cry, oh it breaks my heart. But he sleeps extra well these days and cuddles a bit more with his mommy.

He loves to pull himself up, laugh and laugh because he can do it! But then he realizes he's tired and that he can't get down and just cries. Around and around this goes. Hopefully today is a better day, this boy needs some sleep!

Also.. check out the super cute blog on my blog list. It's called "Young House Love." adorable house, adorable decorating!