Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My little baby isn't so much of a little baby these days! He's doing big boy stuff. This is all this week too! He needs to probably take it one step at a time so I can catch my breath. Here's the list:

one. He uses his high chair at home to eat food! No more bumbo (didn't like that anyways).

two. crawling allll over the place! He crawls all over the basement area, which is carpeted. But he's kind over his toys. He'd rather crawl to my camera stuff, the desk or the stairs. He can lift himself up two stairs but still keeping his feet in the ground. Nuts.

three. Using just the stroller, no more car seat attachment thingy.

four. Using a big boy carseat in the car! No more lifting him + the heavy seat. I'm ok with that.

five..ish. Maybe sitting up in the cart at Target. I say maybe because we tried it, he was into it at first. Then just kept flinging himself back and all over the place! (yes, he flings) I got too many "she's crazy" looks from people. We'll try that again a little later.

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