Wednesday, May 5, 2010

our Heidi.

As many of you know, last Sunday, April 25... I lost one of my best friends. This has been an incredibly difficult week and a half, one that I never expected. One that no one can be prepared for or no one can know where to go from here. There's no game plan, no "set way to cope." My dear friend Heidi is gone. She's not on vacation or out of town.. she's home with her Savior.

It has been a mix of emotions for all of us. There's the terrible sick feeling, a pit in my stomach that makes me ache all over. There's the strange joyous feeling of hope, of knowing that Heidi is exactly where she should be, and she wouldn't come back, even if she had the chance. My new hero is her husband, Nick Firkus. He has taught us all more about faith and hope in this terribly long week than ever before. He is an amazing example of the insane peace that God can give. I know he is hurting, I know this isn't ever going to be "easy" on any of us, but God is so good. So good.

Her funeral was incredible. 1,600 people came to honor the life that Heidi lived. Watson, Hilary and I had the privilege of sharing about the joy, fun and humor that Heidi brought to our lives. Even as I write this, I smile! She was a jewel, a unique person that I had the privilege of knowing for the time I did.

Please pray. Pray for Nick, number one. Pray for these days and weeks to come as he has to find some kind of "normal" in this new, difficult life. Pray for strength and that he lean on his God through every day. Pray for her family, her mom, dad, brothers and sister in laws. Pray for his family. And please pray for us, for her friends. We miss her terrible. There's a void in our lives that will never go away. Sure, we can find a way through all this to "move on," even though I have no idea what that looks like.. but we will never ever be the same.

For those who have been praying, thank you sooo much. I feel a peace and a hope that only the Lord gives. As he says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Nick gave us the speech on his facebook page that he spoke at the funeral. Like I said, he's an incredible man; I envy his faith. This is the end of his talk, which is a quote by C.S. Lewis. This sums it up...

"The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is morning." And as He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can most truly say that they lived their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and title page. Now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the great story which no one on earth has read, which goes on forever, in which every chapter is better than the one before."


  1. So sorry, Kristen! Will be praying...

  2. Oh my dear sweet darling Kristen. I can not help but just sob and smile through this. I long to wrap you in a hug.

    You are such a good friend to Heidi. I can only imagine how happy she was to have you as one of her good friends. You are quite an amazing woman Kristen Prosser.

    I keep thinking about you girls, your husbands and Nick. I can only but imagine how you are feeling and I love that it all comes back to Jesus.

    It's unfortunate on some levels that she is dancing with Jesus while we stay here and miss her. Unfortunate that life has to go on as "normal" as it can without her here. For that my darling, I am so sorry that you have that pain and that void. If I could change it, I promise you I would do anything.

    I will not stop praying ever for you and your girls and her dear husband.

    It inspires me that he is the man that he is through this tragic time. I often find myself wondering what I would do if I lost Brian and it pains me to the core. I feel like I wouldn't be able to even step out of bed.

    Thank you for sharing your heart my dear sweet loving sister. I love you so much and have been thinking about you a lot. I send all my prayers and my warm fuzzies your way girl.

    Keep clinging to the only one that can hold us tightly always. Keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours. Keep doing the things Heidi would want you to. Do things with your girls and save a special place for her. Keep being the other rock that Nick needs right now. Keep pictures of your adorable son coming and tell him lots about his Auntie Heidi.

    I hope to see you at Mer's wedding and give you lots of hugs and laugh lots.

    You're a gem and I think you are quite wonderful.

    Know that if I get "there" before you I will give Heidi a great big hug and tell her how blessed she was to have such wonderful friends. I will tell her that they miss her lots and that I wished I got to meet her while she was here. I will also let her know that she had quite an amazing husband and we can miss ours together, while missing you.

    Love you lots K. Kisses to baby Leyton and hugs to you and your sweet husband. Also, a big hug to Hillary and Watson.

  3. Hi Kristen. You don't know me. I stumbled on this blog entry when google sent an alert to me about the phrase "Some Kind of Normal" (which is the title of a book I wrote).

    I was so touched by this entry. I lost a dear friend of mine very suddenly and tragically just a little over a year ago. It has effected my life dramatically. And yet, I can say God has been so good to me through it, and I am occasionally and often now in much better places than I was 15 months ago. Time is such a gift He has given us.

    I'll pray for you and Luke, and for Nick and his family as well. thank you for sharing your story, even if you didn't know it would touch a stranger's heart.

  4. Kristen,
    What beautiful words you wrote about your friend. I can't imagine what it feels like to have lost one of your best friends. I pray daily for you!! I'm sure the funeral was tough...and I'm sure speaking at it was even tougher. I look up to you and am so blessed to call you my friend. Thanks for sharing your heart and I sure love you!!

  5. Hi Kristen, I somehow stumbled upon your blog, but was encouraged this morning by your post. Heidi was very blessed by your group of friends. I always loved hearing stories of your gatherings. Thanks for being such a good friend to her. -Jolene Erickson (pete's wife)

  6. Hi there Kristen. I, like a few of the others who posted above me, don't know you, but I was so blessed to have known Heidi.
    I co-led her DTS outreach to Mexico and completely fell in love with her. She was one of the most amazing, funny, creative, genuine people I've ever met. We kept in touch, and a few years ago, we got to hang out at their apt. in Roseville and introduce each other to our new husbands! We had SO much fun... I hadn't laughed that much in ages and it was healing to my soul. I am still trying to find the closure to her life...I find myself reminiscing or wondering what she's up to these days, and then reality hits me. I forget until that moment. A mixture of sadness and joy rush over me all at once.
    She's seeing things so beautiful, they cannot be written. We are so blessed to have had her beauty in our lives for the time we did. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
