Thursday, May 10, 2012

my happy place.

I have to admit, I'm all over the place lately.  meaning, emotionally and mentally.  nothing serious.. just the normal, stay-at-home-with-two-boys kind.  one day I'm content and all is perfect in the world.  next day, I'm just trying to catch my grip and keep my head above water.  It usually relates to lack of sleep, or lack of caffeine, or more diaper changes than anyone should have to deal with in one day.   There are days that I just long for consistency.. for some kind of "normal."  But then are other days that I absolutely love the chaos, the fast-paced life, the mini-memories we are creating everyday.

like I said, I'm all over the place.

but there's a few things that keep me grounded.  that keep me coming back to the all-is-well-in-the-world feeling.

my sweet, wonderful Bible.  Today at the mall, the train conductor (it's true) was reading her bible on her break.. relaxing in the caboose.  She was at the very beginning.. I asked if she was starting at page 1.  And she said, "yep!  I want to read the whole thing, so I figured I'd start at the beginning!"  She was thirsty for the Word, so anxious to learn and read.   I so badly want that every day.  Those days that I do stop, take a breath and meditate on God's word, I am once again brought back.  I am so grateful for God's humbling wisdom and his ability to show me that's all about him. 

then there's these two.  moods change in a second around this place, but they tend to come back to the giggling, silly moments.  daily I look at them and can't help but think how stinkin blessed I am that God gave me these two crazies.  oh Finn.. he melts my heart.  ya know that feeling where you want to squeeze them too hard?  that's a daily feeling with my boy :)  And Leyton continues to amaze me.  God has some big plans for this kid.. he's such a joy and his huge personality comes out more everyday.

and Luke.  I can't put into words what a rock this man is.  But if you know him, you probably have an idea.  He is honestly the most easy-going, fun, hilarious man I know.  he lightens any tough mood, he is an incredible dad and a spectacular husband.  and he puts up with me.  I'm only lucky gal.

This is a journey, one I know I will look back and miss.  I just hope I remember all the sweet memories and not all the times I want to pull out my hair.  ya know?


  1. I love this post! So real!!! IT is how I feel too. I am always wanting every day to stay normal but somehow I get behind!
    "I am so grateful for God's humbling wisdom and his ability to show me that's all about him." I just love that!! WE all need to be reminded that! Thank You! I love your blog but don't get the chance to comment all the time!

  2. I 1000% can relate to feeling so emotionally rocky. I have so many wonderful small moments that I just want to cling to forever...but then when I get to my 5th poopy diaper of the day I just want to dash through the door and flag down one of the golfers outside to come do it for me. And you are right. God really does help us keep the focus in the right place. Somehow it all just feels better with him involved. :) How crazy our little lives are!
