Saturday, May 19, 2012

Iowa love.

Here's some of the shots of our trip to Iowa last weekend.  It was great to be with everyone, to be outside and enjoy the wonderful sunshine!  It's crazy to think that there was a time when there were no kids around.. what did we do?  (plenty.. I know. and I miss it.. sometimes)

Ryan, Lisa & Jude

Lindsay & Jada (the only girl!), me & Finn, Angela & Wes

Angela, Troy and Wes.

Lindsay, Jimmy and Jada.  so sweet.

Jada and Finn, on their first date (supervised).. they're in love!

Landon & Leyton 

and here's Julie's little Taylor!  She's such a sweetie and I'm so glad I got to photograph her for a little bit.  Happy birthday Taylor!  Wish I could party with you...


  1. oh my goodness! Such cute pictures!!! Looks like you had fun! Miss you so much!

  2. That last pic of Taylor is caaaaaute! What a hunnie!
