Tuesday, November 29, 2011

O' Christmas Tree 2011

This is the 3rd year in a row that we've gone to the same Christmas tree farm in Ramsey and chopped down a tree!   Last years was more like a branch (here) due to moving.. but this year we got a real beauty!  It was so fun to take Leyton this year.. he loved running through the rows of trees, standing by the fire and eating hot dogs.  It wasn't exactly a white winter wonderland, more like a rainy dreary day but luckily, not bitter cold!   We are quite picky about our trees (must be tall, full and fat!) and we found one that we love.  Leyton was really curious about why daddy was sawing it down and putting it on our car.. :)

We got it all decorated and this is house is officially Christmas land!  More pictures to come!

he's really into posing lately.. now he crouches and says "cheeee"..  I'll take it!