Wednesday, August 10, 2011

mr. 17 months!

Leyton recently made his way into 17 months!  I have to say.. without sounding like that bragging mom.. I am loving this age! He is SO much fun lately and just hilarious!  He is constantly learning new things and it seems like everyday I get to see something else he knows and can do.  A few updates..

As of yesterday, he is transitioning to one nap during the day.  This kid has a history of sleeping for hours! 11-12 hours at night and he was doing 2 naps during the day consistently.  But just recently, his naps have been pretty inconsistent.. either the morning or afternoon will be really short or he just won't take it at all.  So we switched to one and so far it's going great!   I'm surprisingly loving my morning time with him.   I was a little bummed at first to say goodbye to showers and having some alone time in the morning, but it's super fun.   This morning's agenda was breakfast, hanging out, watching Cat in the Hat (he's obsessed), running to the bank and Starbucks (have to keep some bonus for mom!) and taking a nice long walk to the park to play for a bit.  Head back, I get a quick shower while he plays and then we eat lunch.   He is so cute and fun these days so I really am loving it!  

He is talking quite a bit.  Still rambling nonsense words all the time, and he's very passionate about it, he really thinks he's communicating.  But his actual words list in still pretty much the same.. ball, Mom (love that one!  and he said mommy today!), da-da, aww-done, apple.. I think that's it!  

He's a champ at his animal noises, so funny.  And getting better at different body parts.  Again, I'm partial.. but he's a smart little sucker!  I'm impressed easily.. the highlight of my day so far was Starbucks.  ahh the life of a mom. :)

Oh, I like this one.. he also tells us when he poops but patting at his diaper.  It's adorable :)

That's about it!  Life is crazy around here.. hence the lack of posts.  The closing on our house was pushed back to next week so until then we're just trying to get ready and spend as much money was we can!  ugh.

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