Tuesday, March 22, 2011

all grown up

I know he's not really grown up.. that's when he's 18 or so, right?  It just feels like it sometimes!  I know mom's all understand the freaking out over watching their kids grow up, but it's really amazing.  A year is short.  We live lots of years in our life.  But in one year, our little worm baby is a real boy!  He walks, talks (well, he thinks he's talking), he's got such a personality!  It's the little things...

In Florida, he really mastered the walking thing.  He doesn't even look back to see if we're there!  Mr. independent doesn't want be held (but I've had to cope with that for a while now).. he just wants to walk on his own!  He walked for probably 1/2 mile at Disney, all on his own.  So funny. 

He's such a show off.  He's really understanding the things he does that make people laugh.  And when he gets a response, he giggles along and keeps doing it.  Whether it's a burp, a noise he makes, or a face he does.. he loves performing!  

He's so adventurous.  He loved playing in the sand in Florida, and in the water on the beach.  He's gentle at first to figure out if he likes it, then just goes for it.  He was army crawling in the sand flat on his stomach!  You just wonder what's going on in that brain of his :)

Luke and I are not naive that Leyton is.. a challenge.  He's so strong willed and will let you know what he wants, when he wants it.  Maybe it's a good thing that our first child is like this, I feel like nothing else will phase us now.  But we know we're going to have to be strict to get this kid in line :)  He's all boy.  High energy, always moving.  We talked to a guy in the airport about his kids.  He said that his boy was very "Leyton-like" and is still that way at 18 years old.  But he reminded us that we won't remember the difficulties, but to cherish every moment during these fleeting days.  That the smiles and giggles will far out weight the tears. I so hope I remember that.. embracing the boy that God has made for us and enjoy this journey.
I need those reminders when a 4 our flight is the last thing Leyton wants to do after running in the sand. :)

We love you little man!

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