Here's just a bit of personal reflection.. a comment about the lessons that I seem to learn and re-learn quite often. But here's the background:
I went to the grocery store yesterday with Leyton. I stopped to get a Starbucks first (mmm). Leyton wanted it, naturally. I said no, and no again but everytime he saw it, he whined for it. Just one of those mini battles that happen quite often. As I finish up and get to the line, he starts up again, wanting what I have. Now people in line chose to share their opinion.. one said, "oh poor guy, he must just be thirsty." Another said, "wow, looks like he needs a nap!" (ok, really? for all you mom's out there.. you've probably heard this a million times. My head is thinking.. "oh is that what it is? think it's that easy? do I not know my child?" and on and on.. oh, I have a sin nature.)
So, we leave and head to Target. I thought, ok I'll get him some juice. He finished it in about 1 minute. The kid was thirsty! I definitely learned a few lessons. (1) an enjoyable Starbucks is a thing of the past. (2) listen to the little guys' cues.. he just can't express what he wants and.. (3) don't get too defensive when people express their opinion! It might be not far off!
You'd think being over a year into this parenting thing, that I wouldn't need to learn these "simple" lessons still. But I do! Then, this morning, as I was reading my Bible, I come across this verse.
"This is what the Lord says- the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Do you question me about my children, or give orders about the work of my hands? It is I who made the earth and created human beings on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts." -Isaiah 45:11-12
Imagine that. If I get defensive about my own child, imagine how defensive God is of us! Why do we question him? Why do we think we know what we need better than he does? He is the Creator of the universe.. and He cares about us! This really hit me today.. I want to strive to give Jesus all I can, to submit to the plans He has for me. He is my Father, and he knows best!
And to think that God loves me a million times more than I can love this kid...?
Oh just look how cute he is!