Friday, January 28, 2011

winter Thursday

What do you do on a cold, gray Thursday in the middle of winter.. when your husband went back to work?!
(yes, Luke got a job!! He's super pumped and loving it so far.. but I wasn't really minding the no work thing. I guess you need money to live though huh...)

This is how Leyton and I spend our days.

we look out the window, climb up the cupboard.. practice crawling, practice standing.

drink some milk (he's really got the sippy cup thing down!)

look at Easton out the window, wishing we could go outside and play.
Oh wow, I'm even getting bored reading this blog. I don't do winter so well, I really don't. See ya in April.

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging my dear! You are NOT boring!! Leyton is model cute :)

    I love that picture of Easton and Leyton. I am in love with them both.

    I think you should edit a copy of it and crop out Leyton (horrible I know) and then put a nice vignette around Easton.... It really just looks like the perfect dog in a vignette portrait.

    Love you girl and I LOVE when you post!
