Monday, December 6, 2010

9 months!

You are 9 months old today, my sweet lil' Leyton boy!

This is my favorite Christmas yet.. through the craziness of life, I love being with you and your dad. Just makes it perfect. You are still so active and so fun! Today was a bit of monumental day.. I know it's just a little thing, but you kinda took your first "steps." You actually knew what you were doing and with the help of our hands, kept walking between us. I have a feeling it won't be long, you crazy boy!
You eat, eat, eat all the time! You still eat your baby food like a champ and love to snack on pretty much anything. But.. no teeth yet. You crack us up when you pretend to chew like the rest of us.. but you only have gums! Hopefully soon? And you put evvverrrything in your mouth! You are good at 2 naps a day, usually 1-2 hours long, and sleep about 11-12 hours at night. Love that!
It's so fun to watch your cute hands when you play with all your toys. You are so focused and I can already tell you're going to be so smart :) You make SO many noises with your mouth! You're definitely all boy.. mimicking your dad as he makes noises. But our favorite noise by far is your adorable laugh.. you love to giggle and squeal, gosh I love it!
You love to squeeze us and give big hugs.. and even some sloppy kisses. You bring relief to our busy life these days.. we gladly stop what we're doing just to be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable post!! Loved the Christmas card!

    I think daddy needs to make a video of Mr.L for the blog!

    He is SO cute!! Wish you lived close... I want to hug and hang out and hear that little man laugh!
