Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things I will miss about being pregnant..

1. I have to admit, I like the clothes they sell these days! It's getting harder now.. but for a while there, it's wasn't terribly hard to look.. cute in prego clothes!

2. The random conversations people have with you in public. Very sweet!

3. Feeling the baby move.. it's amazing. Last night in bed I felt a foot sticking in my rib on one side, probably an elbow on the other side and what feels like little ticking hands right in the middle.

4. Eating those extra calories.. mmm :)

Things I won't miss:

1. Getting huge at the very end! This baby feels so large in there!

2. Not being able to bend over, get up from the couch and move in between crowds too well.

3. Feel so tired and uncomfortable. I know I know, the tired part probably won't go away, right?

On another note.. I am 38 1/2 weeks now.. I have a check up tomorrow to see if anything has progressed. We are so close to meeting our little girl or our little man! Oh, I had a very clear dream about having a little girl last night. She was cute. And then that same night I had another dream about a baby boy.. with strangely long legs.

Won't miss those dreams.

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