Friday, January 15, 2010

you people are confusing...

so baby...i thought i had a pretty good guess as to what gender you were. Solely based on all the little 'wives tales' you hear about (well...YOU don't hear about them, i do. Then again, you technically can hear them but lack the brain processing power to decipher what it means to you. this could keep going so i'll stop...) but now, your mom goes down to iowa and hangs out with all the 'hens' and she gets beaked at that you are the opposite of what i was thinking. and these hens are, for the most part, seasoned family moms with a bit of experience . So I'm a little taken back by all this. you've got me a quite a bit of a pickle. you don't know how tempted i have been to secretly find out what you are and keep that info from your mom. Note to Kristen: don't leave your doctors name and/or number out in the open without any supervision. you'll be very upset with the results that will come with that.
But either way, you're are going to be beautiful and amazing. and ive been feeling you kick a lot lately and it makes me supes excited.


1 comment:

  1. i had to read this 3 or 4 times to understand what you were even talking about, then it all made sense, by the way, i voted girl, cuz dustin has 3 boys, brad has a boy, and it has to even out eventually
