Monday, December 28, 2009

My belly button..

It's official. My belly button is sticking out, like really out there.

Week 30 is here! I can't believe I have ten.. ten?! more to go! It's so crazy that in ten short weeks, a little more than 2 months, this little kicking and squirming baby will be here. The guessing game over whether it's a boy or girl will be over and we will get to meet this little thing! (I apologize if those that are reading are thinking... ten more weeks? When is it just going to get here?)

I love that our little baby is going to come into this world already thought and prayed for by many people for over 9 months! My parents said they prayed for us.. prayed for all of us kids before we were born. For our lives, our hearts, our relationship with God.. our spouses, our futures. They even prayed for our teeth! (that one payed off, that I one thing I get to brag about). They did forget to pray for our eyes though, oops.

Luke and I have been praying every night for our growing baby, and we want to ask if you will pray too. For those who do read this.. will you pray? Here's our prayer requests :)

1. For a healthy baby! For no medical complications with the baby and strong development of.. everything!

2. For the delivery. Fast and fairly easy! (hey, I can pray what I want right?) We want to pray for God's perfect timing and for every step of the way during the delivery.

3. For our nurses and doctors in the hospital. Please pray for hand-picked nurses that are a wonderful, encouraging support and can make the delivery as painless as possible. One specific request.. we LOVE our baby doctor, Dr. Schoel. Please pray that she can be the one to deliver! There are quite a few doctors that could deliver, but pray that it would work out to be her!

4. For the after-party.. which means, pray for the first couple weeks after this baby is born. Pray for Luke and I to be able to figure this thing out! Pray for feeding and sleeping, and for an all around happy baby.

5. Oh, and for the first couple days still in the hospital. I really hate hospitals and they kinda make me.. anxious. Pray that it is smooth sailing during that recovery time.

6. While you're praying, it wouldn't hurt to pray for Luke and I financially as this baby arrives. For anyone who has had one (a baby that is), I'm sure you get this.. I don't think we quite understand it all, but just pray that the Lord provides, as he always does!

Thank you a million times!
Luke & Kristen

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Praying for all three of you. I love the thought of praying for your little one.I am SO excited that I will get to come to your shower in January! Let me know if there would be a time I could steal you away to myself for coffee or something. Love you K! Hello to that soon to be daddy! Lovely Christmas card!!
