Monday, May 14, 2012


I snapped this photo of Finn today in one of my favorite outfits.. it's from Leyton and since they grow way too fast, I'm glad I get some use out of these the second time around!  So, I took this photo and remembered I have a very similar one from the days of baby Leyton..

This is Leyton at 3.5 months at Finn at almost 5 months...

ps. our Iowa road trip was a huge success.. only a few minor meltdowns.  we had tons of fun seeing our wonderful family and my awesome friends.  pictures to come!

happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. They are both so precious!!!! They kind of remind me of my boys in that you can tell they are brothers but don't really look all that much alike! :) Also, we had that outfit with Cruz and it was definitely my favorite.
