Monday, April 16, 2012

happy 4 months Finn!

oh, how I love his little butt.  

Finn is a whole 4 months old today!  I seriously forget all these changes.. I still feel like he's a newborn and just arrived, but he's a full blown baby!  He does roll front his stomach to his back, and it's desperately working on going the other way.  He grabs on to things now, but with little control on where the toy goes.   My favorite change in the past couple months is his real live giggling!  It takes some work sometimes and requires a lot of funny noises and faces from us, but more recently, he'll just laugh at the littler things.. it just melts my heart.   

the little things.. his scalp is getting better and not so dry.. but he does have sensitive skin. again, his mother's son (sorrrry).  He is tons better at sleeping through the night!  We really just had to help him get used to soothing himself to sleep instead of relying on the pacifier.  We're starting to feel like the parents again and not like he's running the show.  that's how it's done around here, son.

he's probably the sweetest baby I've ever met. (that's what I tell him anyways).  He's such a joy and brings so much light to our lives, especially on cold, cloudy days.  We love you little boy!

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