Wednesday, February 22, 2012


parenting is hard.  holy cow.  I know plenty of people warned me, but there's nothing like being in the middle of it.  Or, at the very start of it!  Newborns are all tough, in their own sweet little, helpless way.  They cry, they don't sleep, all the normal things that are difficult.

And then there's the two year olds.  Leyton's reaching the 2 year mark and has definitely launched us into full blown parenting.  In a way, it's exciting and thrilling.. having the opportunity to shape and mold our kids lives.  But that's also a scary, daunting task where I often feel completely inadequate.  Our church is in a series about parenting right now and it couldn't be more fitting.  Last week, the pastor impressed on us not only the importance of raising our kids with strong Christian values but he also elaborated on engaging constantly during these "training" years of your child's life.  I think I'll need to be reminded this on a daily basis coming up here.  this is not a test, there's no training anymore, this is the real thing!  Especially with a newborn, there's the tendency to check out.  To say, he's fine, he can do that.. who cares.  But, Leyton is a sponge right now.  He is soaking up every move we make and every word we say. (and repeating them!)  Which makes this such an important time to teach and train the way we want and the way that God has directed us!

Leyton is a real gem lately (and no, that's not always a positive thing)  He does push us and makes us work.  It's the little stuff (no kicking, no laying on your brother, no throwing, no shoes on the couch, oh.. and no kicking), and the more "important" things (apologize when you are naughty, say please, be nice, you must eat all your food).. whew, it's a lot of work!   

But, like I said, he's a sponge!  Side note about his smartness.. we pulled up to a bus yesterday, he read the stop sign, points at it with his cute finger and says "S. T. O. P."   what?!?  I'm not going to lie, I started crying!  It was a mini-lesson to me that he is listening, soaking everything in right now and all this we are doing will pay off.

All this to say, pray for us.  For our boys and for our direction with this parenting thing.  I do know that we have been equipped with exactly what these boys need and no one else.  So, we can do this!  I'm up for the challenge.  I know the reward will be immense.  


  1. You're a great mom, and the boys are lucky to have you both. Keep teaching, keep loving, and keep praying.

    Love the picture :)

  2. We got this. You are an unbelievable momma. You were made perfectly for those two boys and they were made perfectly for you. I'm praying for you friend. Love
