Wednesday, January 25, 2012

tummy time and haircuts

Today was one of those days.  One of those days where I'm feeling grossly sick, Leyton is teething and drooling all over the place (weird), Finn is just high maintenance and I'm doing everything I can to not look at the clock and count down the minutes til this day is over.   It's one of those days where I banish any guilty thoughts of Leyton watching 3 rounds of Elmo.  and one of those days where I made it through the whole day without showering, brushing my teeth or changing my shirt after I was spit up on.  come on now, really.. don't you want this life Erin? :)

This day brought on those feelings that are inevitable in this life of a mom.. Is this really my life now?  Will I ever go out again?  Will I ever look halfway decent again?   Can I pleeease stop changing diapers?  But.. tomorrow is a new day.  (and we're going to the zoo!!)

I'm very ready for nicer weather and for the sun to shine.  And to be brave enough to venture out with two crazies.  Until then, we'll stay inside and keep ourselves busy..

start by staring at lil' Finn!

working on his neck strength with some tummy time.. lazy boy :)  

and playing with the big boy Leyton!  (seriously!  he's huge!)  

He also had his first big boy haircut.  He has a great shag going on most of the time, which ends up turning into a serious mullet if you don't watch it.  It bugs his ears a bunch too, so my mom cut it!  He looks like a little 80's boy with it longer in front and short on the sides.  I love it!

but, this day is I'm sure much better for aunt Britt!  Happy 24th birthday Britt! We love you!


  1. Oh Kristen .... love this post! I am totally feeling the same way! Having a baby this time of year is fun for snuggles ... but hard when you want to go outside! Love the pics! And don't worry .... shower? What's that? :-)

  2. I have been there Kristen! Jackson and Maddy are 21 months apart. It does get better and so much fun! I love that they are each others best friend. Hang in there girl!!
