Wednesday, January 18, 2012

a day in the life..

this is what our days look like around here lately... 
through the eyes of my below average camera on my phone.  instagram style.

starts with naked cuddle time in bed.

play time

elmo time.


stare at Finn time.

  post nap reading time.

oh Leyton.. 


loving my boys.

peaceful sleep..

and the days keep coming..


  1. looks amazing!! looks like you are loving being home!!! Enoy!

  2. Well... the above comment was indeed not Brian, although I think that he would say you guys are cute. I hate when it signs in as him :) Love you! -Rachel

  3. Love these pictures!!! Looks like everyone is adjusting so well to precious Finn!

  4. Looks just like my life- just insert girls. Simple times we are in, right?
