Monday, October 24, 2011

bed time.

I love bedtime around this house.. it's a little chaotic and a lot wonderful.. and to think we only have one kid!   We've got the routine down by now.. so figured I'd record these photos!  It'll be fun to look back and probably laugh that we thought this was chaotic.  

But this is how it goes!   
Step one: bathtime.  Leyton loves the water and the toys and we often have to pull him out.

Step two:  brushing teeth!  He's getting the hang of this now (he has a lot of teeth!  I think 12?!)  He pulls up his stool and likes to do it himself.  sure thing, mr. independent.


Step three:  reading books.  This can go on for a while, but he loves it and so do we!  You've probably figured out that Leyton doesn't still too often, so when he does, we cherish it!

Step four: bed time!  He rarely fights this.. just finds his spot among the blankets and pillows and settles in!  no toys in bed buddy.  :)

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