Yesterday, Luke and I had our 20 week ultrasound to check on how little baby #2 is growing and cookin' in my belly.. it is SO fun! We were talking on the way there, that it's even cooler this time around.. well, just in a different way. We know now that this little squirmy thing on the screen turns out to be a really live baby! A real live Leyton (of some form!)...
The baby is doing great and growing perfectly. When we saw it, it was swimming around, being quite active. It was laying breech, with its hands next to its feet, folded right in half. Reminds me of someone I know.. :)
We could have found out the gender, and it was a little bit tempting, having the ultrasound lady say that she knew! ahhh! For some reason, after yesterday, we're both leaning more toward boy.. but I really have NO idea! It drives a bit nuts, but I do love the suspense, waiting and guessing for this little thing!
Here's the cute baby!!
profile shot.
head and feet, right next to each other!
face. hard to see, but creepy skeleton looking face staring at us!
In week 20, the baby weighs about 10.5 ounces and is about 6.5 inches long, about the length of a banana. That's pretty long! It's swallowing more these days, to practice working on the digestive system. He/she is producing meconium.. good to know :) As our awesome doctor explained to us, it's developed all its parts by now (wow) but it needs to stay in there quite a bit longer to grow and grow. Not a problem, this thing is staying put and I will keep growing with you, bud! don't look into that, could be a girl "bud," right?
I'm not going to lie, I'm getting a little freaked out lately.. as the days and weeks creep along to the day I will become a mother of 2! That's a scary/exciting thought! holy cow..
that's all for now! oh small updates.. Brent and Suz are leaving Thursday (don't get me started, the tears will start flowing) and we get the keys to our house on Friday!! And more posts coming of great pics from our weekend cabin adventure.. here's a sneak..
have a wild Wednesday!
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