Wednesday, February 16, 2011

prayer request

This weekend, I have the amazing honor of being a part of a this Christian women's conference.  It is a conference that my mom has spoke at before in Des Moines and she will again speak this weekend.  And I get to speak!  It's only for 5 minutes that I will share a brief testimony of my life.. lately.  I have the awesome privilege of sharing about my sweet Heidi.  I can't not say "sweet" or "dear" or "wonderful" in front of her name.. gosh I miss her.

Please pray for this conference... for the right women would be there to experience this.  Pray for the speakers, the leaders, the musicians and that it all goes smoothly.  And please pray for me!  I know it's only a few minutes, but I get nervous.  whew.  I am so excited to honor Heidi's life.. to tell others how this whole experience has changed and impacted my life.

On another note.. we are anxiously awaiting two new babies to join the Kirkpatrick families!  Just found out that baby #1 (Ryan & Lisa's baby) is coming by C-section on March 2nd.. darn little breech baby.  Pray for a safe arrival for theirs and baby #2 coming a little bit later to Nathan & Chrissie.  I am SO bummed that we live too far from both of them!  darn!  But I absolutely cannot wait to smooch and hug and squeeze their little babes.  woah, I may need another baby soon..


  1. Will be praying for you! You will do a great job- you always do!
