One month away, my little man! In one short month, you'll begin to count your age by years! You're on your way to being an actually number and not just zero and some months. Can you even believe we made it here so fast?
You went from this little squisher..
to this big boy..

what?? wow, you sure are cute.
Today we went to church and could barely focus on what the pastor is saying.. we are guilty, we are those parents! We were laughing and looking at you as you played, smiled and flirted with everyone around you. We are so lucky to have you as our son!
At 11 months, you are such a bundle of joy. You are still so active and prefer to stand more than sit. You took your first steps and do take 3 or 4 steps quite often but it hasn't turned into full blown walking yet. You light up when your dad, myself or any of your family walk in the room (loving your grandparents so much these days!) You are going through a "no-stranger" stage where you get a little worried when you don't see people you know around. You've gotten better, but you realllly don't like nursery at church these days. Oh well, we'll try again soon! You have 3 teeth.. two on the bottom and one snaggle-tooth on the upper right. You are good at chewing and eat a lot, really anything we eat. You drink like out of your sippy cup like a champ and you love to talk and make tons of noises!
I can't wait for your 1st birthday party! As you will soon find out, your mommy loves birthdays and couldn't be more thrilled to celebrate you! (we'll forget I have a birthday all together, no big deal). Get ready for pictures of his train birthday, coming soon.. :)
Love you more each day little buddy!
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