Thursday, January 6, 2011

10 months!

This couldn't be more appropriate for his 10 month picture. He's been showing all of his emotions lately! Lots of good ones, but he definitely has his opinions.. this one about standing up. I imagine that someday when he gets married (.. someday, far, far away) this one will bring a lot of laughter in his slideshow!

Our little Leyton Christian, you have been changing a lot lately!
You have more and more of a personality everyday. You already love to entertain people and make them laugh. You are a pretty big flirt, and love to flash your big smile at anyone that shows a little interest. You are definitely Mr. Social and love when there's a bunch of people around! You don't really want to walk yet.. you are a lot more stable and can stand up on your own. But when you want to get somewhere, speed is key, so you'd rather crawl! You have been milking your sad face lately and really let us know when you don't like something.
You still eat a lot, 3 meals a day, with 4 milks. (milks?) You have two teeth and are working on a third. You talk a lot more lately and love to hear your voice! Your friend at Panera yesterday said you were going to be a singer. You say "da-da" a lot and also just "daD." You say "ma-ma," especially when you want some mommy attention. You still take two great naps and sleep 12 hours at night.

We love getting to know your fun personality! We couldn't be more proud of you and love to show you off. It's a gift to be able to spend each day with you!

1 comment:

  1. You're such a sweet mama.

    Leyton, come to Iowa and flirt with me :)

    Love and hugs to all and some cuddles to Mr. Leyton.
