Wednesday, June 23, 2010

rolly polly

Mr. Leyton is 3 1/2 months old.. crazy! He's so active and so smiley. He kicks and pumps his legs all the time! He can now grab onto things that you hold in front of him.. those link things are his fav little boy. He sucks on everything he touches. He looooves his baths and hates getting out. dang. He rolls over! It's cute and all, but in the middle of the night when he's moving around.. probably having a dream.. he rolls himself over and wakes up!

Oh! He transferred to his big boy crib! This was a sad day for mommy.. I miss the little guy being one room away (I know, gross). I made plenty of excuses...

it's lightning tonight, he needs to sleep by me.
He didn't get much sleep today, he really should stay in the room.
He might roll over and wake up, he should stay here.

But he loves his crib and it's working out just fine. :) Kinda nice to have Luke and Kristen's room back. The adult room.

Luke had a good fathers day (I think).. I wrote a poem for him and I must say, I'm kinda proud. You may think it's way amateur, but I like it. I put it on a paper with Leyton's feet and hands, using paint. Oh, that was an interesting memory for all of us. Here's the poem:

My name is Leyton and I'm brand new.
There's so many reasons why I love you.

You make me smile when you stick out your tongue.
Someday we'll wrestle, but right now I'm young.

I love to stand and move my feet.
I even roll over, that's really neat.

As soon as you hold me, your shirts full of droll.
My mommy loves you too, she thinks you're cool.

Life with you will never be bad.
I love you so much, I'm glad you're my dad.

Awwww, cute.. good job Leyton.

Until next time..

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