Friday, September 4, 2009

Meet Easton..

Dear baby shrimp (shrimp? that's a weird shape),

We'd like to give you a heads up about our dog, Easton. He's great.. lovable, friendly, crazy, lots of fun, but he's still learning. Hopefully by the time you get here, we're have this thing trained. We got him a shock collar (yes, it's really tough on Kristen), and it should work. No more jumping, excessive licking and he can't give you a high 5 for a while.. his paws are just too big. Really, we're just teaching him some personal space.

And no, you don't just give the dog away when you're having a baby (sorry Nate, you Prossers just don't quite understand the dog thing).

Here's some pictures of the dog in training. Enjoy.

- Kristen

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