Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby's 1st show...

ok ok...time for the big daddy to weigh in on all this fun.

So we took our babe to its first show this past tuesdee. we saw a band that single handedly changed my life and got me through high school....blink 182. it was supes cool to have our kid's first concert be blink. and i know some of you may be thinking/saying "well, technically the baby wasn't there and won't remember alskdja;lsdkj;aflkjsdf" just shut your face and give this to us. It was awesome. we've got some pics too. so hopefully the kid won't come out wearing tight jeans and mad at his father...


1 comment:

  1. Fine you can have this "baby 1st concert" ordeal. Kev hopes he comes out with tats and guyliner.
