Wednesday, July 29, 2009

step one.. doctors appointment.

8 weeks today! The official due date is... (drum roll, please).. March 7th! So close to my birthday, I'm going to have to get used to that. I'd say it might be the best birthday present I will ever get. ever.

I had a dream last night. This time, about a boy! Our baby boy was laying in bed with us, sleeping. It's it amazing what consumes your mind all the time that you bring it to sleep with you too?

Yesterday I had my 8 week appointment with the doctor. I loved it! Even though it was a ton of information, and pamphlets, and brochures, and drawing blood.. I'm pregnant! It just make it more and more real. It's happening!

The question of the day is.. how many books should I really read? I'm all about being educated and knowing somewhat what I'm doing when this precious baby arrives, but I'm leaning more towards using the common sense the good Lord gave me. I know it's not going to be easy, but I think I'm just gonna wing it. :)

Oh, the babe is sweet little kidney bean today. amazing!

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