Thursday, December 1, 2011

dear Leyton..

my boy,

Today is Thursday.. a normal, mundane Tuesday around our house.   It's just you and me hanging out.. playing with all your toys about seven times.. going from room to room finding stuff to do.  We watched Elmo together, played with your trucks, played with play-do, threw balls and hit hockey pucks.  It's a normal day, but I just want to freeze it and go back to this whenever I want.  I know that things are about to change.. yes, for the better, but it's still change!  I love and cherish my time with you!

You are just hilarious lately.  You have such a vibrant personality that I get to enjoy everyday.  You talk a ton, whether we can understand you or not is another story!  But you are very daring with your words and will at least try to repeat what we say.  "I love you" is the best.. I may be the only one that can understand it, but it's precious.

You seem to be somewhat aware that a baby is coming.. you know the difference between grabbing your big boy diapers and the itsy bitsy diapers that I got for the baby.  You know the bassinet and the car seat that are waiting are for the baby.. you make me so proud and I know you'll be such a good older brother!

You have this adorable personality trait that I love watching.. you get so focused when playing with your toys, specifically your cars and trucks.  You line them all up with such precision and if one is not in line or not touching the other, you get so frustrated and make sure it's right!  Grandpa K thinks you'll be an engineer, or into math and science somehow.  You did not get that from your mom!   Well, maybe the obsessive compulsive to have everything in line.. but who knows. :)

Today you had one of those cute moments that I never want to forget.  You were at grandma's house for a bit and was playing with her nativity scene.  You were lining up all the figurines .. all the animals, Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus.  Bended down on your knees, you stopped, looked at what you had just created, then bowed your head and folded your hands!  You, my sweet boy, knew to pray to Jesus!  whew... that'll bring the tears!

We love love love you, our little man and couldn't be more proud of the boy you are becoming!

love, your mom.


  1. I don't even have children and I got teary eyed reading this. Such a precious memory!

  2. And that is what life is all about! So sweet!
