Monday, December 5, 2011

38 weeks!

The countdown is at 2 weeks!  14 days and tons of long, painful hours to go!   This baby feels huge and loves to stretch out... feels like it's ready to push its way out!  By the books, the baby is about 6.8 lbs and is over 19.5 inches long.  He/she has a firm grasp that I'll be able to hold oh-so-soon!  The organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.  Just incredible.

This large torpedo of a baby is taking over any breathing room I have left.. here's the evidence!

At the Guthrie theatre.. last date night with the husband for a while.. loved every second of it!

In other news, we had a wonderful weekend!  Date night Friday night (dinner and the Christmas Carol play at the Guthrie.. thank you to my parents for the gift!), Holidazzle parade on Saturday, complete with great friends (the Lees!), huge snowflakes, a happy little boy.. and hot chocolate.  Then, on Sunday, I went to a Christmas dessert swap party at my friend Marys (so fun!)

My heart is full and I'm loving every bit of this Christmas season.  
I'm ready baby, you can come anytime!

1 comment:

  1. I think you look hot and I dig the curls in your hair. :)

    Hope baby comes soon and that you can snuggle instead of being in pain.

    Love to you dear friend!
