Monday, September 26, 2011

3rd trimester cabbage

See, sometimes I forget I'm having a baby... and so soon!  And then I remember that my lower back hurts, I'm abnormally tired and I can't get up and down like I used to!  Must mean we're in the homestretch.. 3rd trimester is here!   At 28 weeks, this baby seems way bigger than 2.5 pounds while it's bouncing in my stomach..

This week, our sweet mystery baby is about 14 inches long.. about the size of a Chinese cabbage (look it up!  It's big!)  The baby can blinks its eyes, which now have lashes.. the eyesight is developing more and can see light that filters through the womb.  The brain is also developing billions of neurons and its adding more fat to be ready for this cold world on the outside!

And for my personal update.. I so think it's a boy!!  At my latest baby appointment, the heart rate was at about 130s, 140s... which was exactly where Leyton was!  It just all felt so familiar.. so that's my guess!  I'm thinking Leyton is going to have to welcome a brother to this world (which is sooo great).. but I guess I could still be surprised with a girl!  Suz is convinced.. I like that, hold on to it Suz :)

I'm getting a little scared these days.. the whole idea of going through a horrific labor completely freaks me out.  The first time, sure there's a lot to be scared of, but you really have no idea what to expect.  This time, I do!  18 short months ago, I went through one of the most painful and difficult times in my life.. and I'm volunteering to do this again?!  And then there's life after the birth.. life with a newborn and with a Leyton.  oh boy, that freaks me out of a little too.   Luke and I said last night.. it seems so hard to imagine loving another baby as much as we love lil' Leyton.  I know we will, it's just hard to believe!

Some days I feel really ready, and then other days not at all.. I'm torn between wanting to meet this child so bad and wanting to be done being pregnant! (mostly that).. and wanting these last 3 months with just Leyton to go nice and slow.  Either way, we're in for a big adventure!

and here's my belly lately..

1 comment:

  1. Please become a pregnant model.

    You look fabulous!!

    You are going to be such good mama of two!
